Recipe Book

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Girl Dinner?

It's not really a recipe just what I'm snacking on tonight.

I just keep making plate after plate. Signifies a shift. I've never been particularly keen on blueberries but I love them so much right now I am a born again blueberry stan.


Lo-fi Day Off Breakfast

Scramble the eggs in the butter. Once theyre about done place the slice of cheese on top. Place tortilla on top of that then flip the whole thing over so the tortilla can get crispy and the cheese can melt. Fold it over and you have a nice little crunchwrap. Serve with salted tomato and avocado slices on the side.

This was so goddam good. I'd been dreaming of making it since yesterday and it paid off. So easy and filling and nutritious with such minimal cleanup which is super important to me. Today I tried something different by choosing not to make it spicy but normally I'd recommend some hot sauce and/or pickled jalapenos. If you're really hungry maybe a slice of ham layered in there. I cannot wait to eat this again!


Customizable asf Salad

You can really just freestyle this however. It's so sour and bright and fresh and filling and delicious.

I realize I feel compelled to do the thing everyone hates which is precede a recipe with an article. Smh. Well! This is my blog and I want to talk about my salad.

This salad can be modified in about a million different ways. Today I planned to put marinated artichoke hearts but I forgot them. Didn't realize till after I was finished. So the salad was good anyway and now I'll share it with you fine folks.