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Check out my neighbors' awesome pages!

Coming across Cinni's site is like a rite of passage for anyone who joins Neocities. Stunning design, lots of resources. Utterly quintessential. Everyone loves Cinni and for good reason!
Beautifully designed personal site with a nostalgic tech/gaming theme. I'm particularly obsessed with the Nintendo DS inspired elements. Super full and rich site with lots to explore. Really great graphics collection!
Personal site by a compelling, talented writer. Excellent, ever-growing collection of diaries, tidbits, observations. I always look forward to Vashti's updates which always remind me to find deep beauty and powerful meaning in the mundane. The design of each page is simple and beautiful and intentional and serves to supplement the words which are the real meat and treat of the site. Very obviously has excellent visual and literary taste.
Personal site with a comforting lo-fi spacey theme and layout. Has excellent taste in music as far as I'm concerned. Check out their playlists! Excellent links resource!
Really neat site filled with impressive and often strange original artwork. Love the materials page which seems to display existing works that inform and inspire Callus. Smells like good taste to me!
Unabashedly girly site focused on fashion (my favorite) which perfectly captures the elusive nostalgic feeling of being a young girl on the internet and playing dressup games. Really thoughtful and skillful maximalist design. Contains probably my favorite collection of webmastery resources. I love love love the page of thrift finds! And the original art! And the jeans! Oh the jeans! I could go on.
Super neat personal webpage with a FASCINATING and varied array of niche topics about which Bill, the webmaster, is passionate. My favorite is the one about hyperspace software.
Really fun collection of art, music, stories, graphics, a ridiculous and impressive amount about Pokemon, and more if you can believe it. Really large and well-organized links hoard.
Site is devoted to finding new paths for unicursal mazes which I only ever heard about by coming to this site. They've got a great primer on the subject in case you're like me and have no idea what the hell is going on. Mad respect to the dedication. Now that's what I call niche!!!
Deliciously chaotic and old-school-feeling personal site and really good blinkie hoard.
This site is SO imaginative interactive and beautiful and fun to explore. Full of stunning original and existing art and writing and so much more. Both content and form come together for a truly immersive experience.
Adorable personal site filled with excellent writing and media recommendations/reviews from books to movies to music to perfume. I especially love the page on gulls.
Gorgeous personal site with really fun navigation and lots of really good writing and art. I particularly enjoyed Alice's (may I call you Alice?) take on good and bad taste. Click around to find it! It's fun!
Kind of unfathomably large and varied hoard of graphics. Avi is doing the lord's work in collecting and displaying them all for us to enjoy.
Sweet, candy-colored, idyllic site with gorgeous design and lots to explore, like media logs and original artwork. I'm such a sucker for the minecraft bee. Particularly obsessed with the scrapbook and gaming log.
To visit this site is to be immersed in a world of enchantment and whimsy. I always look forward to Inkcaps' updates, be they about fashion, food, life in general. They're all colored with a sense of mysticism and magic and a zest for life. You MUST check out their insane collection of beautiful Lolita dresses!
Charming dogblog with great resources and lovely layout. Check out the awesome gifs they animated!!!!
Cutie personal site that captures that addicting virtual petworld vibe. Lots to look at like graphics, art, a really neat page on internet horror and a fun rich toybox! Fave page is the bootleg gallery! Cracks me the heck up.
Sweet idyllic personal site with a really good media log and journal. Super unique collection of links!
Visually busy yet super beautifully laid-out site with lots of cool nintendo DS themed elements. Really love the photobook and the library. Looks like philia is constantly working on cool new coding projects. I'm keeping my eye out!
Super neat personal HTML/CSS playground. Beautiful design and lots of fun effects! Love the collection of pixel art.
Super fun and spooky personal site with a GREAT graphics and links hoard. I'm obsessed with the different rooms! Especially the kitchen and pillow fort. So cozy!
Awesome maximalist site with so much to look at. Kinetic and chaotic. Reminds me of myspace or like, gaiaonline if yall remember lmao. Good stuff.
Candy-colored AND color-coded? How could you go wrong? Beautiful site with a really cool use of graphics. Excellent and thoughtful design.
Lovely, soothing, beautifully designed site. Their art is super cool and I also love the Animal Crossing shrine!
One of the coolest sites on here! Plays with interactivity in such interesting unique fun ways. I always love to just come here and click around. Excellent in not only form but content as well. Really great, thoughtful writings and book recommendations and neat projects. Insanely impressive.
Super unique and understatedly gorgeous personal site where the personality of the webmaster, Bon, really shines through. Really love the media log!
Exploring this site is truly like exploring a dark, labyrinthine castle. The castle rumors page gives hints about the site and the webmaster that add to the sense of secrets lying in wait to be found. So so cool.
Home to a gallery of absolutely wonderful and impressive art and comics. Their links page has some of the most interesting and niche resources I've seen. Plus, manuls everywhere!!!! It's the ManulZone after all...
This site is so beautifully designed with so many awesome features. Cat sticker scavenger hunt, kitchen complete with a stunning recipe book, EXCELLENT taste in movies. This is a fantastic site through and through.
Super fun site with a nostalgic vibe and a truly impressive collection of shrines. I'm partial to the Spongebob one as a fellow Sponge lover myself. Really cool art too that you can even commission!
Neat old-school-feeling personal site by Maggie. Full of cool fan art that you can commission.
Creepy AWESOME beautifully designed medieval-vibes site with tons of awesome content. The manuscript maker is one of the coolest things I've ever seen on neocities. I'm also quite partial to the display of really cool clothes Lillith, the webmaster, has sewn. Every page is simply fantastic.
Precious site with the cutest pixel art and the coolest doll-maker that I love playing with when I need to kill some time. Great collection of blinkies and graphics.
This site has some of my favorite web design in all of neocities. It's so full and busy and beautiful and inspired. Truly genius use of graphics. Love the in-depth blog posts on different topics (90s does 60s is particularly cool to me). Ita, you clearly have an extremely well-informed personal style and I am in awe of you.
Neat vapor-wavey spacey personal site in its early stages. I'm excited to see where Aiza takes it!
Simply and thoughtfully designed site with tons of pages on an astounding variety of interesting topics.
Beautiful flower-childy-psychedelic nostalgic site with cool art and writing.
Immersive interactive site with such clever wonderful navigation. Such a pleasure and inspiration just to click around. My fave is the closet, of course.
Stunningly bright and busy site by Christine, a fellow spongebob lover. I love all the sponge decor and while the sponge shrine is still pending, I am excited to see it come to fruition. Really great design.
Quaintly beautiful site with lots of cool effects and a really great media log. Particularly love the page dedicated to Rowlf the dog.