Blogiana 2025


the perfect chill weekend

Last week I had the pleasure of a 3 day workweek sandwiched between two three-day weekends. If only that could be how life is always structured because it was truly delicious. I spent it stoned. The weather was glorious. Please don't expect this entry to be interesting, though. I'm writing mainly for my own benefit.

Friday began with a walk to the bakery for my favorite giant iced vanilla latte. My partner P cooked us a hearty breakfast of eggstoastbacon. I played video games for a few hours. Once it was out of my system, P and I journeyed on foot to the park with our rainbow basketball for a rousing game of HORSE in the gentle spring sun. It felt amazing to run and play and do cartwheels on the concrete. For dinner we got my favorite chicken wings (I'm addicted to chicken wings) and spent the night inside watching light tv with a some drinks and an unholy assortment of sweet treats.

The next morning began again with a latte and a long gaming session. Then I got myself ready for a brief outing with my bestie F. I discovered a new (to me) method of drying my hair that is going to completely revolutionize my life. I wore an outfit I liked but didn't love. Not enough spring color in my wardrobe.

F picked me up and our first stop was the dancewear store. We weren't there long because turns out dancewear all costs a million dollars. We enjoyed the drive, though, and the cute leotards. Next, we acquired an array of treats from the gas station. Then we went to an art museum downtown. We got in free with vouchers from their other location which we went to last week. That was also a beautiful glorious time. There were 3 exhibits for 3 different artists, but we agreed only one of them was any good. Still, even bad art can be informative and enriching. Afterward, we decided we hadnt had our fill of treats so we got fun drinks and snacks at Sonic.

After F dropped me off I went back out with P to Goodwill, where I piled my cart high and spent too long in the changing room, which closed while I was in there and I had to abandon a lot of my picks without even trying them on. I still made off with a decent haul. I still need to go back for what I left, though. Again spent the night in.

Sunday started leisurely again with another few hours of gaming. P made a breakfast of pancakes and bacon. They were the best pancakes he ever made and that I ever had. It was wonderful fuel for my ballet class, the first I'd been to in 2 weeks, so I had been really missing it. I was a little rusty in some ways but better than ever in others. Heard they were trying to determine interest in academy-style ballet classes for adults, which would differ from the existing drop-ins by being enrollment-based, actually involve personal correction on technique, progress in level from year to year, and eventually culminate in a showcase/performance. This would literally be a dream come true so I added my name to the list. If they do it I will 100% be there. So glad I came to class!!

After returning home from ballet I dragged P back out to Marshalls for some discounted homewares. I bought boring stuff; storage solutions but they were exciting to me. Decided to pop into bath and body works since we were in the vicinity and it turned out they were having a sale of 40% off the entire store ending that day. How lucky is that?? I did just a little damage. Spring scentscape is locked and loaded.

Returned home for yet another few hours of gaming. Then I locked in, cleaned my bathroom, washed and put away all my laundry and implemented my new Marshall's storage solutions. I feel good about setting myself up for success this week, which I dreaded because it's a full unadulterated 5 day 40 hour workweek plus rehearsals after m-f. Last workweek's brevity spoiled me.

Now i'm here at work just trying to stay awake. I've got rehearsal later so i've gotta stay sharp.

SPEAKING OF REHEARSAL I just want to say in reference to my previous entry that I've really checked my ego and have come to appreciate the very real talent of most of my costars. There is indeed a little shade baked into that last statement but that's all I'll say here on the matter. My friends won't be hearing the end of it however. I think the play is coming along well and I think we'll succeed in making the audience laugh at least a handful of times. Lovvvee life but I'm so tired.


springtime boing boing

I turned 28 on the 1st and it feels really good! My proximity to 30 feels so sexy and fierce and fresh to me. Being a grown woman rocks.

Rehearsals for the play I'm in began Monday. It's really setting in how busy I'm going to be for the next month and a half. 4 days a week I must wake up at my usual 6:30 for work, be at work for 9 hours, get off in time to stop home for a quick dinner, then back out again to rehearsal from 7-10pm. I'm not used to being this busy and haven't been since college, but it does make me feel like I'm really doing something with my life. I took a couple mental health days from work this week because I felt I was dangerously close to burnout and I really need all my faculties to give my all to this play.

So far the rehearsals seem to be going well. The first couple days were admitedly a bit awkward. I'm not shy, per se, but I relate very much to the concept of a cat being insecure in their environment and it making them finicky and weird and socially deficient. Everyone is friendly enough, but I'm noticing that in the adult theatre world, as opposed to high school or college, everyone is not particularly interested in making new besties. Fair enough.

Now, 3 rehearsals in I'm finding my footing, gaining confidence and feel much freer to express myself. It's been a long, long time since I was in a real play with a long-term rehearsal process and I was worried that I would be rusty and stilted and somehow pale in comparison to my fellow actors. Now that I've had some time to settle in, though, I feel completely in my element. I'd forgotten how easily and naturally this process comes to me. If I can be allowed to be narcissistic for a moment, I feel confident that I'm the strongest and funniest actor of the group. It may be gauche to say it myself, but I'd like to give myself credit where it's due. I genuinely didn't expect to feel this way and it's a really pleasant and affirming surprise. I'll keep my ego in check, though.

The one other sad thing about doing this play is that it's majorly cut down the amount of dance classes I can take in a week. For a while there I was doing 3, which was honestly a lot and not super sustainable but felt really good to do at the time. 2 a week is more realistic for me but now I'm limited to 1. I've made so much progress in ballet it's insane. I finally moved up to the next level of classes and feel appropriately challenged and in company with other dancers at a comparable level. Ballet has been so fulfilling and has transformed my body and I can't wait to make it to my next class this sunday. I have genuinely never been in better shape. I hope the 1 class a week will allow me to at least maintain. I've really surprised myself with how I've managed to stick with dance and actually absorbed it into my personality rather than picking it up and abandoning it when the newness wore off.

Tomorrow Lady Gaga's Mayhem album comes out and I am planning to go with my bestie to the club for a listening/release party. Normally when I club I like to be a glam diva with an extensive getting-ready process and an outfit that is really more about form over function, but tomorrow I'm doing it differently. I'm going to dress super casual (but still slutty) with just a tee shirt and matching micro shorts and flat shoes fit for dancing. Maybe some legwarmers for some extra dance-oriented flair. This is not a night for heels that force me and bestie to sit in the corner of the function and talk shit a la Statler and Waldorf. That's its own kind of fun, to be sure, but tomorrow night will be about dancing like our lives depend on it. I'm so excited I can't wait!


little monsters rise

There are things I am doing lately and things I am not doing. Here they are:

  • dancing
  • keeping my clothes neat
  • getting stoned
  • listening to dance music really loud
  • watching jeopardy
  • watching music videos
  • playing boardgames
  • drinking cocktails
  • scrolling twitter
  • online shopping
  • wearing makeup (it stuck!)
  • reading (unfortunately)
  • watching movies
  • learning my lines (i need to lock in)
  • cleaning my bathroom
  • updating the site
  • scrolling tiktok

Yall, speaking of music, I am obsessed OBSESSED I tell you with Gaga's new song Abracadabra. I have had it on repeat since I heard it and have watched the video multiple times and intend to spend some time this evening when I'm home along learning the choreo which eats down sooo bad I am literally emotional I actually feel like a kid again. I saw a tweet that was like "I can't physically put my arms down because of how UP my paws are" and that's it. That's the experience. I've loved Gaga so much my whole life and I'm ecstatic that she is putting out her best music in years. I can't believe I have to work at a desk today I just wanna fucking DANCE!




Excitement hasn't worn off. Celebrated last night with some new earrings and hair accessories, my favorite chicken wings, and a cigarette over spiked hot cocoas at the bar.

On a separate note, I'm deciding in the spirit of "opposite action" to not wear any makeup to ballet class today. I've been so persistent with makeup for a while that I've felt like I'm not presentable at work or dance without it. Obviously that's ridiculous, so I'm choosing to intervene. Still, I tempted to go put some on real quick since I have the time. I need to do this so my brain knows nothing bad will happen because I didn't look *extra* pretty. I enjoy wearing makeup but it's crucial I get comfortable going without it. I've been there before. I'll get there again.



Yall I can barely type this I am fucking SHAKINGGGG but I JUST GOT THE EMAIL CONFIRMING I WAS CAST IN THE PLAY!!! I cannot exaggerate my excitement I am at work trying to keep it together but if I was any more wired I'd be blasting through the ceiling like the Wonkavator. Yall I have nothing more to say except FUCKKKKYEEEEAH! My year is about to fucking ROCK.



Yesterday was a whirlwind I am NOT accustomed to being quite that busy. Despite my wish to not be needed, I was quite a bit more occupied at work than usual, rendering me completely incapable of working on the sides as I intended. A cold read it would have to be indeed.

When work was over, I went straight home to change into my dance clothes and throw some clothes in a bag so I could change for the callback. I was only 1 minute late to class, so that was close. I've never danced in the Fosse style before and it was really fun and funny and awkward and unlocked new parts of my brain. We had bowler hats and everything! I felt goofy but I caught a few glimpses of myself on someone's IG story where they posted a clip of our class doing the choreo, and I have to say I didn't look half bad. I'm excited for the next class, which sadly won't be for another 2 weeks. It'll give me time to practice at home at least.

After class I had to change, still sweaty into clothes suitable for the callback. In my strawberry gary haze I forgot to pack the pair of pants I planned on wearing, but luckily I had stuffed a dress and some tights into my bag as an alternative option and pulled together something warm and passable. I made it to my callback time with only minutes to spare.

What's really scary is I think it went well. If I thought I sucked I feel like I could more easily brace myself for potential disappointment. Now that I think I did good my hopes are higher and so are the stakes. They laughed, and that's what I told the stage manager when I met him out in the hallway after my reading was finished and he asked me how it went. It's true, though they might've just tried to be polite. No one had a gun to their heads. It didn't really feel like pity chuckles, but what would I know? My energy was high and the feedback was positive and I was told I'd hear back within about a week. A week of torture. If I'm going to be rejected I'd prefer they just get it over with. I really do think I have a chance, though, even if I have no idea how good my competition was. Maybe they were professional-level amazing. Maybe I got laughs but they got bigger ones? Or maybe I was the funniest person they'd seen all day? Or maybe I was somewhere in between. I hate that it's essentially impossible to tell.

I'm in healthy, constructive distress, I've decided. I'm sleepy and exhausted and slogging my way through work, but I'm feeling very much alive and a part of the world.


Marty, I'm scared

I know I've waxed prosaic about becoming a Person Who Does Things but ultimately I am still a low-demand girly on the great executive function spectrum. I generally try to avoid stressing myself out. Today I fear I will be Doing Things too close to the sun. My callback is tonight. But so is the first class of the 4-week Fosse dance workshop I signed up for. And I'm at work all day with plenty to do and zero interest in any of it. And it's Monday to boot. I plan to strategically employ my prescribed performance-enhancing drugs so as to ensure my success. The callback is the most important thing I'll do today and yet the last. Hoping and praying that setting my time for after my dance class proves to be the strategic move I imagined, where I am invigorated and energized and really in my body after my dance class, allowing me to be both grounded and larger than life during my reading, rather than simply sweaty and spent.

It's just supposed to be a cold read but I do not feel as prepared as I would like. Comedy is so much harder and more daunting than drama. I'm funny all the time in everyday life (if I may say so myself) but it's quite a different skillset to be funny saying lines someone else wrote in order to be someone else. I want to spend as much time as possible today going through the beats in my sides, identifying my objectives and actions with each line, and approaching the comedy with utmost sincerity. Nobody better ask me for anything today. I am not available.

I peeked at the spreadsheet which shows who is auditioning for what and I figure I have a 2 out of 5 chance of getting one of the roles for which I'm reading. Not terrible odds, really. I wonder if I'm up against seasoned comediennes who are currently super active in the local theatre scene. The thought scares me but I believe in myself and my comedic abilities when I'm really on. All I can do is hope and pray that I will be that on by 8:20 this evening after I've endured an entire workday and a dance class in an unfamiliar style.

I'll still be okay if I don't get it, but at this point I'm pretty invested. I'm supposed to have another audition tomorrow for a different play for which I have not prepared at all and I'm now on the fence about attending as I feel like I have a lot going on. Perhaps I can crank out a monologue and give it the old college try and see what happens. I'm scarrred I'm anxious and I did it to myself. I'm building character and resilience. It's a good thing ultimately but I reserve my right to bitch and moan.


reasons to say fuckyea

Yet again I can't focus on work as I can hardly contain my excitement. On the 30th, as I mentioned before, I submitted a self-tape audition for a play. As we approached a week of radio silence on the matter, I had already begun to accept that I may not get called back. You can imagine my impassioned fuckyea when I received an email yesterday asking me to fill out a form and to look out for another email confirming my callback slot. I want very badly to get cast of course but at this point the callback is validating enough for me to consider it a win no matter what happens. I'll just keep on auditioning. This has been excellent for my already pretty robust self-esteem (at what point do I have too much?). Now, to read the play in full to make sure I'm fully prepared for this callback. It's a farce and I like to consider myself somewhat of a comedienne. I love having something to want, to hope for, to work toward, to do. Here's to more fuckyeas in my future.


the art of procrastination (2025 ins and outs)

Again I find myself at my desk at work mentally, spiritually, physically incapable of anything approaching or adjacent to the very real tasks I should be doing. So, naturally, I'm going to spend some time identifying my ins and outs for 2025. I decided while making the list that while some ins/outs have counterparts others will stand alone because it makes me feel more free.

  • Professional wisdom
  • Reading
  • Retaining
  • Steak dinner, vegetables, yogurt, chicken wings
  • Comfy shoes
  • Air-dried hair
  • Purse contents divided into small pouches
  • Body hair (legs, pits, full bush, full brows)
  • Lace up boots
  • big slouchy leather bags
  • Micro-shorts
  • Sheer tights
  • Short manicured nails
  • Powder foundation
  • Powder blush
  • Bringing lunch to work
  • Drawing/painting from life
  • Dance class
  • 2010s graphic tees
  • Parallel play with friends
  • Minecraft
  • Courage
  • Authentic, unbridled enthusiasm
  • Writing honestly, with vulnerability
  • Sincerity
  • Optimistim
  • The public library
  • Small talk
  • Stretching
  • Curiosity
  • Vacation
  • Musical theatre
  • Going to the movies
  • Self love and acceptance
  • Informed haterism
  • Watching movies for the first time
  • Local dvd rental
  • Laughing it off
  • Noticing and remembering things about people
  • Giving honest compliments as often as possible
  • Accepting compliments with grace
  • Comparing self to past self
  • Acknowledging one's own achievements
  • Figuring out everything myself
  • Doomscrolling
  • Forgetting everything I read
  • Bullshit sweets
  • Unwearable vintage shoes
  • Labor-intensive hair styling
  • Purse full of trash
  • Shaving
  • Spot concealing
  • Liquid foundation
  • Cream blush
  • Buying lunch at work
  • Masking (autistic not N95)
  • Cynicism/pessimism
  • Irony
  • Sitting
  • Being late all the time
  • Forgetting to use PTO
  • Most paid streaming services
  • Executive dysfunction
  • Negative self-talk
  • Tv shows
  • Rewatching movies
  • Youtube (just not hitting lately)
  • Binge-eating
  • Being embarassed
  • Overly performative active listening
  • Feigned enthusiasm
  • Perfection
  • Ruminating on the past
  • Comparing self to others
  • Denying compliments
  • Selling self short
  • Superstition
  • being overly deferential/considerate


ok for real this time

I did it. I'm at work and I was early like it was my first day. The leaf has been turned.

Unfortunately my brain isn't working and though I have PLENTY to do and sort out today, I am finding it near impossible to actually do anything. Prayers to the stimulant gods I can set myself up for success. How stupid to come back to work after a nearly 2 week break on a FRIDAY. I am grateful that the weekend is already tomorrow, but come on.

Yesterday was truly a gift and nothing short of magical. I fulfilled my own fantasies. I genuinely shopped till I dropped. The timing was beautiful because the second I got home my uterus took me DOWN and I was essentially couchridden for the rest of the day. If I had shopped for one more minute I'd have been in trouble. The kind of happy coincidence that reinforces my mother's faith in God. Now I'm at work enduring cramps and bloating and brainfog but looking cute in my cozy new oversized sweater and black mini skirt from Goodwill.

I hogged the dressing room at Goodwill for about an hour yesterday after piling my cart cartoonishly high. It was down and dirty work, but I managed to come away with like 5 items for only $40. I don't know how I could possibly shop retail now that I'm used to these kinds of prices. I do think I would like to take my time and save for some higher-quality, more special items from high-end secondhand and consignment shops like The Real Real. It seems like it'd be a good next step for me to exercise that kind of discipline and restraint. But when Goodwill is RIGHT THERE and so full of good stuff it can be a little hard to keep perspective.

Deleted tiktok in solidarity with my best friend for a sort of Dry January, but for tiktok. It may even get banned before the month is over, so that's weird. I know I needed to delete it because it scared the hell out of me to do it. Where will I go when I need quick dopamine now? Should I even give into those urges? I should stare at a wall for a while to reset my receptors.

My foray back into being a Person Who Reads is going well so far. Almost finished with one book I started at the end of December so I'm already safe from a Zero Book Year like I ALMOST had in 2024 before saving myself at the last second. I don't really have any specific numerical goals in mind in terms of how much I want to read this year. I just want to do it as much as I can. I already feel smarter and better able to organize and express my thoughts. My imagination is activated and I think this break from tiktok will help even more.

According to my film diary, I watched 104 movies last year with no goal in mind. Or at least I logged 104 movies. I at least half or partially watched many many more movies that I never logged for that reason. So I will again not set any numerical movie watching goals because I watch plenty without any trouble.

I'm really just typing to look busy. I think my thoughts are sharpening, though. The stimulant gods seem to have decided that filing my nails is of utmost importance and I'm making excellent headway on that front. Oh, look! I just sent an email that will move me forward on the main task I'm avoiding. Things are going to be okay! I love the independence I have at my job though I often fear I should not be trusted so. I do always manage to rise to the occasion.


false start

I decided that this year I'm going to be on time for work. My chronic lateness was never cute to anyone I'm sure but even I started getting tired of my own shit. I've been due to get a grip for a while now. It was getting ridiculous.

I woke myself up today at the required diabolical hour of 6:40am for my first day back from holiday break. I don't know how I managed it, but I made excellent time. So excellent I was sure I must have forgotten something. Why am I always late again? I got to work the earliest I've EVER been to find the office dark and empty. Turns out we're closed. We come back tomorrow, not today.

I'm not even mad that I lost precious sleeping in time, though I'm yawning as I type this. I now have an excuse to live out the naughty shopping fantasies I found myself yesterday weaving. I can get a big iced latte and smell things at bath and body works. I can go to the dancewear store in person and find myself a ballet skirt and some leg warmers to set myself up for an exciting year full of movement. I will check Goodwill for shirts because I specifically need shirts. Shirts and clubwear and partywear. Hell I'll peruse it all. I've got all day. What a gift.

Also I can probably squeeze in a little more minecraft before the old grind starts back up. I'm building stone towers around a village I plan to connect together to make a wall. It's all pretty serious.


fading in

It's been a while! Happy New Year's Eve!

Thinking back over this year about how I've grown and what I accomplished. I think I really unlocked my free will this year. I became a person who Does Things and mostly follows through for myself and for others more than I used to. I'm proud of that.

At the beginning of the year I auditioned for 2 plays and got cast in one, which was a major win to start after being away from theatre for over 6 years. My role was small and the play was goofy, but it was a fun and enriching experience and I'm glad I took a chance and did it. I've decided to try again this year and audition for some more plays. See what sticks. I've been using this last purgatorial week of the year to set things in motion so I can start the year with some momentum. I've already submitted one auditon. Who knows if I'll get a callback? I'll report back when I find out. I'm allowing myself to want it, making myself vulnerable to disappointment and I'm okay with that. I can handle disappointment, and the stakes really couldn't be lower. There will never not be plays to audition for.

I spent quite a lot of time working on this site this year, filling it with content and just keeping the ol' coding gears greased. I wrote a lot of blog entries (fell off towrd the end of the year) and fancied myself a bit of a writer for a minute there. Writing has never been a huge deal in my life nor do I take particular pride in the quality of my writing, but allowing myself to do it, not just privately and sporadically in journals as I have for most of my life, but somewhat publicly on this platform has freed me of a deep shame and fear of being seen. In 2025 I hope to write more about, like, topics and opinions and ideas, more than about myself, and have a little catalogue of things I wrote that could actually be worth reading.

I majorly stepped up my personal style this year, too, and settled into what I feel is a singular signature look. Not only that, but I unlocked a lot of my closet for myself after struggling with it by just getting creative and not being afraid to look bad. If I may say so myself, I am the fashion queen at my workplace and it isn't even a competition. I hope to acquire even more great clothes this year and solidify and purify and elevate my style even further. There are outfits waiting to be worn I haven't even thought of yet.

In the first half of the year I neglected my guitar but I have sinced gotten into a habit of playing it pretty much daily, if I can help it. I realized I've been playing now for 6 years. I remember when I first started and I saw everyone ahead of me and wished time could just pass so I could be good at guitar already. Now, I'm no wizard at it but I sound confident and competent when I play and that's all I really hoped for. This year I hope to keep playing daily, to practice more finger picking, and give my electric some love once in a while. I don't think I played her at all this year, much less plugged her in. I hope to learn some new songs. I've been wearing out the same few Ariana Grande songs for a while now.

Speaking of Ariana Grande, I made an insane shrine (linked above) that I would call, like, 90% done and that I am actually quite prouf of. I love having a creative outlet and something to show for a hyperfixation I've harbored for almost 15 years now. This was a great year to stan Ariana Grande and I am a person who Makes Things!

At the beginning this year I was virtually sedentary. I'm talking less than 1000 steps a day on average. I decided I wanted to be healthier and set a goal just to move my body a nonzero amount. I started taking walks during my lunch breaks and taking the 5 flights up the stairs to my office. I became someone who moves my body, but still no real dedicated excercise. About halfway through the year I decided I wanted to take a dance class and by some ADHD miracle it actually stuck and now I am obsessed with and addicted to dance. I moved up from 1 class a week to 2 and I wish I could do even more. I set a goal to be the most improved at my adult beginner ballet class after a humbling first try where I was easily the worst and I can confidently say I achieved that. No one in class remembers how bad I was at the start and they were super surprised when I mentioned I hadn't taken the workshops and simply just jumped into class. My instructor already told me I could be ready to try the pointe workshop and I have classmates who are better dancers than me by my judgement telling me I would do great in the next level up. Like NOT TO BRAGGGG lollll but really I feel so proud and accomplished. Going to a workout class once a week much less twice was someting earlier versions of me thought was 100% impossible. I have free will!! Executive dysfunction be damned.

There's more I could say but I'm tired of writing now and will therefore stop. I'll keep this entry here through 2025 since I'm fading it in. I've already set it into motion. My new year has already begun. I hope it's my best yet!