Last Year's Film Diary

Taking movie-watching slower this year.


The Pianist (2002)

Boooooo Roman Polanski hisss tomato tomato. May you never experience joy.

That said, this movie was really good and a gigantic bummer. Not exactly a fun way to spend my Saturday but enriching and sobering nonetheless. Reminded me that actually, not shit is funny. Not then and not now.


Wild at Heart (1990)

Seeing this in the theater made a great Valentine's date. My first time seeing it and I adored it. I'm such a sucker for Wizard of Oz motifs. As you can see I'm really off my game movie-watching wise. Seems the only way I can sit through one is if I physically go to the cinema. That's just where I'm at right now. It's okay.


Eraserhead (1977)

Got to see this in the theater which was spectacular. David Lynch I miss you dearly.


The Northman (2022)

Rewatch continuing the theme of appreciating Robert Eggers in light of the triumph that was Nosferatu. This movie is so crazy I and love it.

Juror #2 (2024)

My partner and I keep calling this the rural juror. I wasn't planning to watch this when he put it on but old Clint can still do his thing so it drew me in and I watched the whole thing. It caught me at a good time, where I'm inexplicably softer than usual to a courtroom drama and its adjacent subgenres. Clint Eastwood is suchhhh an edgelord and always has been. It was satisfying to see Nicholas Hoult again after so enjoying his performance in Nosferatu. I was SICK for him in this movie SICK I tell you!